Brian Costin, of Precinct 7, discusses the Wheelabrator ash landfill during the Saugus Town Meeting.
SAUGUS — Town Meeting made history Monday night when it voted to transfer $1.5 million into the town’s rainy day fund.
The transfer will bring the balance of the stabilization fund to $4.3 million, up from $2.8 million. Scott Crabtree, the town manager, said the infusion of funds will boost its bond rating and improve financial terms for the new high school.
“It’s a great achievement by us as a community,” Crabtree said. “I think it’s one of the most important things we could do for the town this year.”
Town Meeting approved the dozen Finance Committee recommendations, including the reauthorization of revolving funds for recreational programs; a water-system cross-connection program; maintaining the compost program, and activities and the lunch program at the senior center.
A total of $65,000 was approved for the purchase of a fire alarm radio box receiver and related equipment for the fire department. Fire Chief Michael Newbury said the purchase should pay for itself in three years.
Voters also approved $46,800 for construction of the Center for Hard to Recycle Materials. The transfer of $634,099 for street resurfacing, handicapped ramps and sidewalks was won support.
Mike Serino, from Precinct 10, presented a nonbinding resolution, asking voters to oppose expansion of the Wheelabrator landfill.
Town Meeting members debated the controversial issue.
Bob Cox cited a report completed by the state that concluded there is no higher cancer rate in the district.
“If we’re looking at shutting down Wheelabrator, we have to keep in mind a second issue,” Cox said. “Where is all the trash going to go?”
Others poked holes in the study.
“The cancer study was incomplete,” said Ann Devlin. “It didn’t address a number of cancers. Also, it didn’t address cancers from neighboring towns. The ash residue is sitting in a marshland, unlined. That ash pile was supposed to close 20 years ago. We aren’t asking them to do anything that they shouldn’t have already done.”
Debra Panetta, chair of the Board of Selectmen, discussed other possible uses for the property, including solar rezoning.
“We can do something with that property,” Panetta said. “I’m emotional about this because this is how strongly I feel about it.”
The resolution passed 41 to 2, with Bill Brown and Cox opposed.
Town Meeting will reconvene Monday, May 16 at 7:30 p.m., to vote on the remaining articles, after further recommendations from the Finance Committee are received.
Bridget Turcotte can be reached at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @BridgetTurcotte