NAHANT – Police confirmed they received a complaint from a local woman who said former Selectmen candidate Jennifer McCarthy sent her a nasty letter via e-mail.
The four-paragraph e-mail, among other things, castigated her for supporting Selectmen Lainey Titus, even though McCarthy had served as a Brownie leader for her daughter.
?I just wanted to let you know how disrespectful it was of you to display a Titus sign on your lawn while I was running for the same position,” the letter, signed by Jen McCarthy, states. ” ? to openly support her, while I have dedicated numerous hours and still am volunteering numerous hours each month for (the woman’s daughter) to be in Girl Scouts was honestly just plain rude of you.
?I am really shocked that you had the (audacity) to sign her up again this year while displaying that sign in your yard,” the letter states.
The letter turns even more vulgar and hostile, while mentioning Sandra Warren’s daughter by name three times.
For the rest of the story, check back here at or purchase tomorrow’s Item.