NAHANT – Local firefighters are sending boxes of holiday cheer to troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.Chief Edward Hyde said Firefighter Robert Barreda started the program several years years ago when his sister, Rhiannon Barreda, was deployed to Iraq.Barreda said Nahant Firefighters Union Local 2718 is expanding the program.?We have been accepting donations to put together care packages,” Barreda said. “But we wanted to do more so we can send care packages and make donations to the USO and Wounded Warrior Project.”Barreda explained the department has been participating in “Red Shirt Friday,” which is a nationwide effort.?Participating firefighters wear red shirts on Fridays to show solidarity in support of the U.S. military,” he said. “So we are selling red shirts to raise money for the troops.”Barreda said the shirts come in long and short sleeves.?We wanted to do something different so we will be selling the shirts,” Barreda said. “The shirts are red. The Nahant Fire Maltese Cross is on the front and ?Support Our Troops” is on the back along with an emblem for each branch of the military.”Barreda said the shirts should be available this weekend and firefighters will be selling them at The Tides during the Nahant Santa Parade, which steps off from the Long Beach Parking Lot at 6 p.m.The T-shirts are $15 and the long sleeve shirts are $20.?This is a long-term project,” Barreda said. “We will start selling them the night of the parade and continue it.”The union is asking any resident who has a family member who is deployed to submit the address of their loved one to the fire department and donations for care packages may be dropped off at the fire station.Barreda said coffee, powdered creamer, hot sauce, candy, gum, dried foods, nuts, trail mix and powdered drink mixes are popular with the troops.He added troops also need insect repellent, moisturizing eye drops, sunscreen, lip balm, travel-size packages of baby wipes, toiletries, aspirin and bandannas. Items to help pass time are also welcome including Frisbees, prepaid international calling cards, magazines, puzzles and DVDs.Barreda said firefighters are also accepting cash donations. Donations can be dropped off or mailed to Nahant Fire Department, Nahant Firefighters Local 2718, 67 Flash Road, Nahant, MA 01908.