SAUGUS – The town will conduct curbside pickup of leaves starting today and continuing throughout the week.A separate collection of household hazardous waste and television or computer monitors will also be held on Saturday, May 21, sponsored by the Board of Health.The pickup of leaves will coincide with the regulation trash collection day, respectively, in all neighborhoods.There will be no “missed pickups” conducted, according to Lorna Cerbone, the town’s recycling coordinator. Residents are asked to put their barrels or paper bags filled with leaves at the curb by 7 a.m. on the regularly scheduled trash collection day. Leaves must be physically separated from trash and recycling items.Paper lawn-and-leaf bags are preferable, but barrels are allowed. If barrels are used, they must be clearly marked with yard waste stickers, which are available for free on the lower level of Town Hall.The barrels should not be covered with lids because collection crews must be able to easily view the contents.No plastic bags or cardboard boxes will be accepted, nor will branches or brush.Cerbone noted separate trucks will collect rubbish, recycling items and leaves. “The leaves may be collected at a different time of day,” she said.Residents can dispose of household hazardous waste on May 21, rain or shine, from 9 a.m. to noon. The event allows residents to dispose of these items in an environmentally responsible manner.Only Saugus residents who pre-register will be allowed to participate in that special collection. Pre-registration opens Thursday, April 21, at the Inspectional Services Department (ISD) office at Town Hall. Proof of residency is required and no commercial waste will be accepted.Pre-registration helps reduce wait time and ensures all registered participants are serviced. Residents can pre-register by calling the ISD office at 781-231-4115.The following is a town-issued list of what residents can dispose of at the event: oil-based paints, varnishes, stains, turpentine, paint thinners, solvents, adhesives, photography chemicals, insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, cesspool cleaners, over cleaners, drain cleaners, transmission fluids, degreasers, anti-freeze, brake fluids and car batteries.TVs and computer monitors can be discarded at the event for free. Propane tank disposal requires a $5 sticker. Automobile tires require a $2 disposal fee, while truck tires have a fee of $10 each.Stickers may be purchased at the ISD office. All stickers must be purchased prior to the May 21 event.Residents should not bring explosives, ammunition or cans of latex paint. The latter, once dried, can be disposed of in the regular weekly trash pickup.The limit per resident is two car loads, which amounts to about 50 pounds, or up to 50 gallons of hazardous waste.