MARBLEHEAD – Marblehead?s 28 in-house kindergarten-Grade 12 special education programs serve 235 students at a cost of $2.33 million – but Director of Pupil Personnel Service Robert Bellucci pointed out to the School Committee last week that the cost is lower than it could be and much lower than the cost of sending special-needs students to out-of-town programs.In his annual bookkeeping report, Bellucci told the committee that the tuition and transportation costs to send Marblehead?s 209 special education students to out-of-town programs would be an estimated $8.7 million, nearly four times the cost of his in-house programs.The cost of in-house programs is further defrayed by Bellucci?s practice of accepting out-of-town special education students to attend programs in Marblehead where and when there are openings, on a tuition basis.Bellucci noted, “In (Fiscal 2011) we had 11 tuition-in students, this year we have 26 students or an increase of 136 percent. This income plus circuit-breaker (state aid) and parent agreements provides approximately $1.34 million, which is used to offset all special education programming and outplacements within the operating budget.”?You?re putting the students first,” School Committee member Katherine Leonardson said.Committee member Thomas Connolly told Bellucci, “I know you are trying as hard as you can. This is a fine report and I?m not blaming you,” but noted that “The legal aspects of the (placement) process can be dehumanizing.” Bellucci agreed, but added, “We have to propose what we think is best.”Superintendent of Schools Greg Maass told the committee, “We?re serving the kids” and said that collaborative problem-solving would be put to use in the placement process.