A motion by Selectmen Vice Chairman Steve Castinetti to remove Christopher Peatridge, the chairman of the Saugus Cable Television Station Board of Directors, failed 3-2 Tuesday night.Chairman Michael Serino and selectmen Debra Panetta and Stephen Horlick voted against the motion while Castinetti and selectman Julie Mitchell voted for it.?I?m no less outraged today than at the last meeting,” said Castinetti. “I called for the board to resign last time ? and nobody has moved ? I?m not surprised at the arrogance of that board.”Castinetti made his motion to remove Peatridge for a “violation of the public trust” and a “loss of confidence.”Serino said it would be unethical to remove a board based on how it votes, to which Castinetti said he was not making the motion for the board?s vote but for the way it acted last meeting.?The whole scene that went on last month was outrageous and unheard of,” said Castinetti. “To support that type of activity is inexcusable and unacceptable, and I don?t want to be a part of that.”Castinetti also compared his motion to when selectmen asked for the resignation of the Library Board of Trustees last year.Resident Cynthia Alba blasted Peatridge?s “behavior, his arrogance, his refusal to listen to the citizens of this town,” while Eugene Decareau said selectmen have no right to prohibit people from speaking about SCTS.?What does this board intend to do about the cable board?” he asked. “The people have spoken. If you want to sit there and ignore us, that?s your prerogative.”Decareau said he hoped selectmen were voted out in November while Stephenie Fail said “there?s going to be some sort of regime change.”?You?re smiling Mr. Horlick because you don?t respect what I?m saying,” she said. “What we?re asking for here is for you to respect our freedom of speech and freedom of choice.”?I wish Comcast never dumped these studios on towns seven years ago,” said Serino.At the beginning of the meeting, Richard Garabedian, the former SCTS operations manager, tried to speak against his firing, but was rebuffed by Serino due to pending legal action.Reading from a letter from Town Counsel John Vasapolli, Serino said the issue is now a “personnel matter” between the SCTS board and Garabedian because he was appealing his May 29 firing. As a result, Serino said he would not allow any discussion on Garabedian or SCTS during citizens? forum.?So a citizen can?t speak?” asked Garabedian.After Serino said he would not allow it, Garabedian replied, “You heard it folks. This is America.”Castinetti said he didn?t hear anything in the letter that would prevent Garabedian from speaking as a citizen, but Serino disagreed.?The chair?s interpretation is that we can?t discuss his employment or the actions of the SCTS board because it?s a legal matter,” said Serino. “I think (the Board of Selectmen) was fair at its last meeting. Sorry, I?m not going to entertain anything.”Shouts of ?That?s not right” could be heard coming from the roughly 20 people in attendance.Mount Vernon Street resident Steve Austill, a resident in town since 1959, said he became good friends with Garabedian after he helped him put on several kids? shows on the station.After briefly mentioned Garabedian?s firing, to which he was stopped from speaking of, Austill called for a “celebration about liberty and order.”?To have a discussion amongst the people of Saugus, how much freedom should be allowed on our cable TV, can you say this and that, can you be critical ?. how much freedom do we want on our cable TV, or how much order,” said Austill.In other business, after more than a half hour of debate, selectmen voted to extend the hours for the entertainment license for Sully C?s Bar and Grill from 12:30 a.m. to 12:45 a.m. to allow customers to finish watching games that run late.?They just want to have the TVs on until they close the door,” said attorney George Gregor, who requested a 1 a.m. extension after TVs had to be shut off during the Boston Bruins? overtime ga