SAUGUS – Longtime Saugus High School teacher Michael Hashem was introduced as the school?s newest principal at Thursday?s School Committee meeting.Hashem, who has been teaching at Saugus High for 21 years, thanked Superintendent Michael Tempesta and the search committee, and said he?s “thrilled” to accept the appointment.?It?s an honor as a Saugus High graduate,” said Hashem, who is currently the math and technology curriculum supervisor. “Forty-one years ago I walked through this door into this room as a first-grader when this was a classroom. I look forward to working with the staff and the students collaboratively.”Hashem will be replacing acting principal Jason Merrill, who took over for Joe Diorio when he was placed on administrative leave in December.Diorio is still working for the school department in the administration building.Tempesta said the search committee, which was made up of teachers, staff members and students, was unanimous in voting for Hashem.?We?re really fortunate to have him and I look forward to working with him closely, and I?m positive he?ll do incredible things for Saugus High School,” said Tempesta.Tempesta also said Hashem was one of six candidates for the position, three of whom were internal.School Committee member Arthur Grabowski said Hashem “bleeds Saugus red” and noted he?s happy to see a candidate promoted from within the district.?I couldn?t be more pleased, Mike,” said Grabowski. “I know you?ll lead the high school in great new directions ? I know you have big shoes to move into but I know you?ll do it with success.”Tempesta said Hashem could start by next week as they are still in the process of drafting a contract.In other business, Tempesta said he?s been meeting regularly with community leaders in order to “springboard” the conversation about goals and objectives for the school system.Tempesta said he has been asking everyone three questions:What aspects of the schools should be preserved at any cost? What aspect deserves the most immediate attention? How can the educational team work with community members to improve educational opportunities?Tempesta said he will continue to meet with town officials into the fall and will also hold public hours from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on July 25, Aug. 8, Aug. 22, Sept. 12 and Sept. 26.?I?ll have more opportunity to engage with teachers and residents and I?m looking forward to that immensely,” he said.The School Committee also voted unanimously to petition the town to transfer the anticipated $400,000 in Ch. 70 state education money to the schools when the state budget passes and voted 3-2 to authorize $31,000 in non-union, administrative raises.Grabowski and member Joe Malone said they voted against the raises because of shortfalls in the athletic and transportation budget, which could see cuts to busing and increases in user fees.Matt Tempesta can be reached at [email protected].