SAUGUS – The Board of Selectmen was able to get its recommendations on the 2014-2015 budget to the Finance Committee in the nick of time thanks to a Friday evening meeting.The board held the extra meeting to get the budget to the committee by the March 1 deadline after it received the actual numbers from last year?s budget later than expected. According to Chairman Ellen Faiella, the board deliberated for about two hours with Town Manager Scott Crabtree and Town Treasurer/Collector Wendy Hatch before it decided on its recommendations to the Finance Committee.Faiella said the board?s recommendations were driven by what would improve the “quality of life” of town residents, which included adjustments to personnel line items.In order to address its concern from the Feb. 18 meeting that some department head salaries were given up to 15 percent raises, the board recommended a three percent raise for non-collective bargaining employees, “with the exception of those employees who have already received substantial increases or hiring salaries beyond that which was approved by Town Meeting appropriation in the 2013-2014 budget,” read the notes.The board further recommended “the elimination of the Principal Clerk position in the Town Manager?s office.”?There are two administrative assistants in that office, we felt that given the economic climate, that wasn?t the most prudent way to spend taxpayers? dollars,” explained Faiella Monday. She added that the position was one that was recently added.Selectman Maureen Dever said Monday that the town “had to proceed cautiously” given that two years ago there were audits and layoffs that put the town into a three-year recovery.The board had requested an objective wage salary survey at its Feb. 18 meeting, but Dever said the only document the board received on Friday was a list of what other communities paid for particular jobs, put together by a Town Hall employee. Dever said the board found that the University of Massachusetts Collins Center, the group responsible for the town?s capital plan, provides a service wage salary survey for the town to take advantage of in the future. “It could allow for better planning in the budget process moving forward,” wrote Faiella in her report.The board did recommend that the salary of the clerk for the Department of Youth and Recreation be moved from the revolving account into the operational budget. Faiella said if the position were kept in the revolving account, “if there was a need to increase services based in whatever the youth needed, you?re either putting the position at risk or the programs at risk and that?s a risk we weren?t willing to take,” said Faiella.The board approved the budget with its recommendations with a 4-1 vote, with Selectman Debra Panetta voting no. Panetta said Monday that she voted against the budget because of the board?s recommendation to add $50,000 to its budget for a “professional services line,” which Crabtree said he recommended against in the Feb. 18 meeting.?This will enable the board to obtain the services of professional entities to better guide us in performing our job duties,” wrote Faiella.Panetta said prior to the meeting she checked with town counsel and heard that the charter only allowed for $1,000 for the board?s budget and that “purchases and services” were the responsibility of the town manager.?I read the charter and it says specifically what you can and can?t do,” said Panetta. “I just felt as though we were going against the charter ? I?m just trying to do the right thing, that?s all.”Panetta added that she has since requested a written legal opinion from town counsel on the subject.Faiella said Monday that whatever counsel that was sought with the $50,000 would be checked with Crabtree.Faiella reported in conclusion, “After much deliberation and consideration, the board voted to move the budget forward albeit with the need to make amendments in order to reflect a balanced budget. The collector/treasurer ha