SAUGUS – At the second night of annual Town Meeting, Saugus approved all four Planning Board-approved zoning articles.The meeting began with a continuation of Article 24 for the waterfront overlay district. After four people took the podium to speak in support of the waterfront?s revitalization, Town Meeting member Brian Cox moved for the district proposal to be sent back to committee for further study, claiming that the town wasn?t ready to implement it. But Town Meeting members denied that motion and went on to approve the plan, 39-7.The next item brought forward was Article 25, the proposed medical marijuana zoning bylaw that would restrict facilities to Route 1. Town Meeting members swiftly accepted Precinct 4 representative William Leuci?s amendment to shrink the area slightly to eliminate the odd-numbered addresses on Broadway, and they approved the article 42-2.Town Meeting member and Planning Board Chairman Peter Rossetti took the podium to present Article 26, which would allow the town to accept Federal Emergency Management Agency flood insurance guidelines. Rossetti said if the new guidelines were not accepted, more than 800 homeowners could be negatively affected by flood insurance rates because of brooks and rivers running throughout the town. Town Meeting member Peter Manoogian added that Economic Development Coordinator Robert Luongo would be trained in FEMA guidelines to implement the guidelines. Town Meeting unanimously approved the article.Rossetti asked Town Manager Scott Crabtree to speak on Article 27, which allowed Saugus to adopt the Green Communities program. Town Meeting members passed the article unanimously to let Saugus be eligible for annual grants in exchange for a plan to become more environmentally friendly.After the four articles were passed, Town Meeting member Al DiNardo took the podium to say he was “very excited” about the overlay districts. “We?re looking ahead,” said DiNardo, smiling. “The way we?re thinking is changing.”Town Meeting was unable to vote on the rest of the warrant articles, Article 2 through 20, which await approval from the Finance Committee. Moderator Steve Doherty explained that the committee is still waiting on numbers from the state. “I don?t want anyone to get any ideas of heel-dragging going on,” said Doherty.The next meeting would be at the call of the moderator, and, according to Doherty, Town Meeting will most likely continue in June.