SAUGUS – With more standardized tests on the horizon for Saugus, School Committee member Arthur Grabowski said he?s noticed a growing number of parents and teachers concerned that classroom time is being wasted.?We spend too much time in the classroom preparing kids for the test, and not enough education on how to be good students and how to learn,” said Grabowski.In order to address the problem, Grabowski is hosting a free presentation on June 25 at 7 p.m. at the administration building focused on whether federally mandated programs like Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) testing, Common Core curriculum standards and student data collection are right for every school district.?The federal government (should have) no role in dictating curriculum in local schools,” said Grabowski. “Some parents and educators think it?s dumbing down our standards.”The program will feature Jamie Gass, the Pioneer Institute?s director of the Center for School Reform, who speaks on academic standards, school choice options and school accountability throughout the country.Grabowski first brought the idea up to fellow committee members in a meeting a few months ago, after he had attended a presentation with Gass in Peabody. He learned there that parents and educators were delaying or rejecting the pilot testing of PARCC and Common Core because of their concerns.?It?s been an eye opener,” said Grabowski.Grabowski said parents, teachers and anyone who is interested in the future of education should attend the presentation.