NAHANT – Nahant town officials say they plan to have a name for an interim town administrator to temporarily replace Andrew Bisignani within the week.Board of Selectmen Chairman Perry Barrasso, who was tasked with finding an interim replacement when Bisignani resigned at their meeting last Thursday, said he already has a few people in mind to handle the job until a search committee can find a successor. Barrasso said he?s confident that he will have a name to announce at the selectmen meeting Thursday, June 26.The interim town administrator will take over when Bisignani officially leaves July 1. Though Bisignani is still town administrator until that date, Barrasso said Bisignani was “in and out of the office,” and he was not in Town Hall on Thursday. Mary Lowe, a Town Hall administrative aide, said Bisignani had not been working his usual amount of hours.Selectman Michael Manning said the town will follow the protocol set by state Legislature, in which an interim town administrator will work until a search committee appointed by Town Moderator Dave Conlin finds a permanent replacement. “It takes about three to nine months for the search process,” said Manning. “Last time it took six months.”Barrasso said the search committee had not been formed yet Thursday, but that Conlin already had interested residents come forward to be a part of the process.