CHELSEA – Police said they arrested three and recovered more than $10,000 in cash and stolen merchandise during a raid on the fake “store” in Chelsea run by a shoplifting ring.”This is a direct reflection of the competent talent that we have within our department,” said Peabody Police Chief Thomas M. Griffin in a press release announcing the arrest.Miguel Lopez, 32, Pedro Vasquez, 48, and Juventina Ramirez, 50, of 140 Chestnut St. #3, Chelsea, were arrested and each charged with receiving stolen property +$250. Each pleaded not guilty to the charge at their arraignment Monday in Chelsea District Court.Police executed a search warrant at the Chestnut Street home on Friday without incident.Police said the inside of the home was set up to mimic a storefront where “shoppers” could view the alleged stolen merchandise. The product was supplied by individuals called “Boosters” who frequent local retail businesses to shoplift items requested by the leaders, police said. Similar shoplifting rings typically resell stolen merchandise online or overseas.The warrant was issued as a result of a multi-year investigation headed by Peabody Police Officers John Nelson, Daniel Murphy and Detective Ralph Scopa. Officers collaborated with officials from the Northshore Mall, Homeland Security, and employees from Sephora, Victoria’s Secret, Gap, Abercrombie and Fitch and Hollister. Chelsea and Revere Police Departments helped with the raid.Prosecutors in Chelsea District Court requested Ramirez be held on $10,000 cash bail and Vasquez and Lopez each be held on $5,000 cash bail, according to the Suffolk District Attorney’s Office. Judge Benjamin Barnes released each defendant on personal recognizance and scheduled them all to return to court May 12.