LYNN – A judge ordered a city man held without bail on an attempted murder charge after police said a child called 911 during a domestic attack.Errol Brown, 29, of 36 Surfside Road #5, was arrested and charged with attempted murder; assault and battery on a family/household member; and strangulation; at 11:47 a.m. Sunday. He pleaded not guilty to the charges Monday in Lynn District Court.Police reported responding to the Surfside Road home and seeing two small girls at the door beckoning police inside, according to a report by Lynn Police Officer Michael O’Connell.”The older child … told us ?(Brown) had tackled (the alleged victim) and hurt her and it was really scary,'” police reported.Brown told police the alleged victim had angered him because she was jealous Brown went to a work function in Boston.”According to Mr. Brown, being jealous and accusing him of cheating when he hasn’t is equivalent to calling him a racial slur,” O’Connell reported.The alleged victim told police she was jealous Brown wanted to attend a work party with other women, police reported. When the subject arose the previous evening, Brown grabbed her around the throat several times and threatened to kill her, the alleged victim reportedly told police. The woman wrote an email to herself documenting the alleged attack.Sunday morning, she reported she refused to talk with Brown and he began strangling her, hit her head against the bathtub and told her she “was going to die.”The children called 911.Police noted red marks on the alleged victim’s neck, and the woman shared the email with police. In it she wrote that Brown grabbed her throat “so tight, I could feel the veins being tugged,” police reported. In the email, the woman also reported it had been a long time since Brown “put his hands on her,” but she was financially dependent on him.Essex Assistant District Attorney Jacquelyn Kaplan requested Brown be held without bail pending a dangerousness hearing.Lynn District Court Judge William Fitzpatrick found probable cause for the hearing and ordered Brown held without bail pending a dangerousness hearing on Thursday.