REVERE – Mayor Daniel Rizzo officially declared his candidacy for re-election Tuesday, announcing that he had submitted nomination papers signed by more than 2,000 local residents.”I cannot think of a better job in the world,” Rizzo said to more than 50 volunteers who gathered Saturday morning to solicit signatures, according to a press release from the campaign. “I work to build a better Revere and improve the lives of all Revere residents.”Rizzo entered Revere politics when elected to the city council in 2000 and was elected city council president in 2009. He was elected mayor in 2011 after Mayor Thomas G. Ambrosino decided not to seek re-election.Rizzo’s first term has been largely defined by the ultimately unsuccessful effort by Mohegan Sun to win the Boston-region casino license for a resort at Suffolk Downs. A freak tornado, and a year-long delay in opening a new Market Basket due to company infighting, also refocused attention from many of the mayor’s initial plans.Yet, Rizzo remains the city’s biggest cheerleader. He has touted redevelopment of the Wonderland Beach area into Waterfront Square, where two luxury apartment buildings are under construction. The finished development project will include 1,000 luxury residential apartments and hotel and retail space oriented around a public plaza with access to the MBTA Wonderland Station and Revere Beach.The city also is embarking on a master-planning effort to devise ways to take advantage of its beach, location close to Logan Airport and Boston, and public transportation options. On more local issues, Rizzo spearheaded a tornado relief fund that distributed more than $250,000 to 150 residents and business owners affected by the August 2014 storm. The traditional Columbus Day Parade and Breakfast resumed after a five-year hiatus, a new police substation opened on Broadway, and the schools have won accolades.”Mayor Rizzo has done a fantastic job,” state Rep. RoseLee Vincent, also a lifelong city resident, said in the announcement. “He has managed the city finances brilliantly, and prioritizes the right things for our city. Our schools continue to get better, the city’s bond rating has improved, and he has brought a great sense of community pride through Revere Shines and the Columbus Day Parade and Breakfast.”The municipal election will be held Nov. 3. Candidates have until Tuesday, July 14, to file nomination papers.