LYNN – Lynn Auditorium is inviting residents to “Come on down!” to The Price is Right Live!, an interactive, stage version of television’s longest running and most popular game show, which is coming to Lynn in November.”It has all the games, the big wheel, people will run down,” Lynn Community Development Director James Marsh said Tuesday. “Somehow our biggest logistical issue is fitting a car on the stage, but we’ll get it done.”The Price is Right Live! is basically a stage version of the television show where contestants are randomly picked from the audience to compete in games and win prizes. Unlike in other game shows, there is intense audience participation – audience members shout advice to contestants, dress in themes, and provide a gauntlet of congratulatory hugs and cheers when an audience members is called to “come on down” to be a contestant.The live, stage version has given away more than $10 million in cash and prizes, sold more than 1.2 million tickets and has played to sold-out audiences for nearly nine years, according to an announcement from Marsh’s office.The show will be held Nov. 6 at 8 p.m. Tickets are available beginning at 10 a.m. today. But anybody 18 or older – not just ticket holders – can register to be a contestant, according to the show’s website.Registration to become a contestant takes place three hours before the show and continues up until show time. Show producers will hold a random drawing at the start of the show to select contestants, and any person who is not a ticket holder, but is selected to be a contestant, will be brought inside the auditorium to await his or her turn to come on down.Several celebrities periodically host the show, including Jerry Springer, Joey Fatone of the boy band ?NSync and Todd Newton from E! Entertainment Network.But “Don’t you forget about me!” says Molly Ringwald, who will also be coming to the Lynn Auditorium this fall.Ringwald will be in town as part of a screening of “The Breakfast Club,” the teen classic by John Hughes, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. The movie will be shown, and then the screen will come up and Ringwald will be onstage talking about her experience as Claire, “The Princess,” who joins four other high school stereotypes – The Brain, Athlete, Basket Case and Criminal – in detention one Saturday.The event will be on Oct. 17.And in return to its classic rock roots, the auditorium will host the Steve Miller Band at a show Nov. 5.”We’ve booked three very cool but very different shows,” Marsh said.For more information about shows and to order tickets, please call the Lynn Auditorium box office at 781-599-SHOW or order via Ticketmaster at or by calling 1-800-745-3000.Tickets are also available in person at the Lynn Auditorium box office.