It was a wild day of golf at the Silver Classic at Gannon Golf Course on Sunday, with nine teams of golfers finishing within four shots of the lead.
However, it was the team of Faton Smrqaku and Archie Dean who finished with a total score of 126 to take the title by one stroke.
The teams of Bob Trespas Jr.-Steve Gorman, Victor Grasso-Dick Donahue, and Tony Rigol-Al McCarthy all finished tied for second place with total scores of 127.
With total scores of 128, the teams of Tony Mugford-Michael Trombley, John Lynch Sr.-Bert Conlon, and Rich Lescovitz-Dan Holland finished tied for fifth place.Rounding out the leaderboard, the teams of Tony Thurman-Rick Chipouras and Art Cusack-John Markee both finished with total scores of 130 to tie for eighth place.