Saugus Boy Scouts burn old American flags at Breakheart Reservation in Saugus. From left, Connor Lynch and Nicholas Finnie lead the salute as the first flag is burned.
SAUGUS — Boy Scouts gathered at Breakheart Reservation to learn how to properly retire an American flag over the weekend.
A group of about 15 Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts in different ranks from Pack and Troop 62 participated in a flag retirement ceremony Saturday.
Cubmaster Chris Finnie led the ceremony with Troop 62 leader John Kane.
The ceremony began with Finnie leading the children in the pledge of allegiance and a moment of silence. He also read a passage about the American flag.
“The scouts took it incredibly seriously,” said Pack 62 den leader Julie Martin. “They were holding their flags properly, showing me the proper way to do it.
“They were all very attentive and respectful during the ceremony,” Martin said. “Despite the raw and rainy weather they watched all the flags be burned. We were all very proud of them.”
The American flags were collected at a town drop box located at Town Hall, Martin said. Residents and organizations can bring worn out flags to the drop box so scouts, or some other organization, can properly dispose of them. Approximately 50 flags were retired at the ceremony.
Part of the Wolf Pack requirements for Wolf Adventure Council Fire Requirement is learning how to properly care for, fold and participate in an official flag retirement ceremony, Martin said.
“I am so glad the boys got to see how to give respect to the American flag,” said Martin. “It is a wonderful opportunity for the boys, and for the general public, to learn about how to properly retire old and worn flags that were once waving on flag poles throughout town or at residences.