NAHANT — A superhero clash broke out in front of Johnson Elementary School in Nahant on Friday morning.
“I’m strong man,” 5-year-old Henry Martin proclaimed in his superhero attire before battling Sean Abbady, donning a Batman cape, in an imagination-filled duel.
Not far behind was Kaileigh Patterson, 5, dressed as a ninja turtle, ready to engage in the fun before class.
It was all part of the school’s Spooky Walk, encouraging kids to walk to school in their Halloween costumes.
“It’s great,” said Nicole Tracy, whose son was dressed as Mario from the Super Mario Bros. “And it helps to wake them up.”
Also dressing up was 11-year-old Nora Kisiel, happy to show the dark cape and seasonal hat of her witch costume.
“This is my grandparents’ favorite holiday,” she said. “So I loved to dress up as a witch.”
Even Principal Kevin Andrews took part in the fun, riding in on his bike dressed as Paul Revere and warning kids that “The British are coming.”
Andrews said students are encouraged to walk to school if possible. Each student has a punch card, which is marked on days they come to school on foot. The filled-up cards can be exchanged for a certificate and Italian Ice.
The school, which won a Walking Allstar Award last year, is also trying to establish walking clubs led by older students at the school.
“It’s a great way to get the kids meeting and bring the community together,” Andrews said.