The holiday season can be especially tough for single parents. Times only get tougher and tighter when that single parent has a disability or medical emergency.
Several single mothers looking for help from Item Santa this year are facing more than their share of financial and medical challenges.
“I am kindly requesting help for this Christmas with anything that you can do to help,” one woman wrote to Item Santa. “I am a single mother and disabled at this time. I have two kids, but one is 18 years old and one is 9 years old. If you can at least help me with one of them, that will be very appreciated.”
Another single mother with a 10-year-old daughter and a 2-year-old son is facing similarly tough times.
“I am a single mom of two children,” she wrote to Item Santa. “I had to leave my job last year when I was diagnosed with ovarian and cervical cancer. After chemotherapy, I had permanent effects.”
The mother wrote that it is hard to make ends meet during the holidays.
“I also live on my own and I’m trying my best to provide for my children,” she wrote. “Christmas is the most magical and loving time of the year.”
To make a donation to Item Santa, fill out the form below or visit
All donations are listed in The Item through December and into 2018, along with a brief message from each donor.
Anyone interested in signing up to collect at Santa Island or any business willing to sell stockings should contact David Solimine, Sr., or Joel Solimine at 781-595-1492.