LYNN — Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP) Academy is celebrating a record for scholarships awarded to the charter school’s high school students.
KIPP Academy Lynn Collegiate (high school) seniors Brenda Torres, Andrew Doane, and Oliver Pyram have been selected as Posse Scholars, awarded by the renowned Posse Foundation. Seniors Taysha Gell and Yamilex Perez Figuereo have been selected as Questbridge Scholars. KIPP also announced three students have received early decisions on admission to higher education institutions of their choice this fall: Elizabeth Agbedun (Mt. Holyoke College), Amana Fernandes (Tufts University) and Jennifer Uchendu (Emory University).
“We are so proud of these student leaders and have great expectations for their futures,” said Drea DeAngelo, KIPP Academy Lynn Collegiate high school leader. “Each of these scholars represent the very best of what Lynn has to offer and we know the colleges they attend will benefit from having them as a part of their community.”
Torres will attend Hamilton College in the fall. She plans to double major in Computer Science and Biology, play Division 3 soccer and study abroad. She would like to become a physician for athletes since she is passionate about sports.
She was on the KIPP waitlist for a year and attended another high school while she waited for a seat. But in 2015, her younger brother — then a 5th grader — got a spot at KIPP Lynn through the school lottery. This moved Torres off the waitlist as well.
“I can’t believe I was given this amazing opportunity. With the help of KIPP’s college counseling team, and rigorous courses throughout my high school years, I was able to make my parents happy and stress-free as I go into college paying about $5,000 a year in total,” Torres said. “I am still applying to more scholarships with the help of KIPP’s college counseling team. They truly don’t stop caring and helping all of us who are nearing graduation.”
Perez Figuereo, a Questbridge scholar, plans to attend Davidson College in the fall.
“Senior year I really understood how much impact KIPP has had in my success. If it wasn’t for the college counselors I would not have the opportunities and experiences I was given access to,” she said. ” I am a Posse Finalist and Questbridge Scholar thanks to the unconditional support and dedication of my college counselors.”