Olivia Corso’s daughter, Scarlett, was diagnosed with Down Syndrome almost immediately after birth.
Doctors at Salem Hospital referred Corso to Aspire Developmental Services, a private, nonprofit healthcare and educational agency. Within a few weeks, Scarlett was evaluated and placed into an early intervention program.
Through the program, Scarlett, now 2 years old, has received a myriad of services, including occupational, speech and physical therapy. She participates in a toddler group, gym and swim program and hippotherapy. The results, according to Corso, have been overwhelmingly positive.
“She has always been very determined,” said Corso, who will share her family’s Aspire experience at the Tee Off Fore Aspire Golf Classic on Sept. 19 at Kernwood Country Club in Salem. “She has kept up with everything and hit all the milestones of a typical child. Aspire is a big part of that. They have been coming bi-weekly pretty much since birth.”
When Corso expressed concern about Scarlett’s speech progress, the frequency of speech therapy increased, and Corso said, “She improved right away.”
In order to take care of her daughter while working, Corso, who worked at a daycare center for 10 years, started a daycare called Little Dreamers at her home in Lynn.
Scarlett was crawling by six months, walking at 17 months and is now jumping and running. Corso said she is developing socially as well, and enjoys interacting with peers.
“She’s right on track with her development,” Corso said, crediting Aspire service coordinator Staci Silva with guiding the family throughout the early intervention process.
There are still openings in the golf tournament. Registration starts at 10 a.m. and the tournament will begin at noon. For more information visit aspiredevelopmental.org/golf-2018 or contact Colleen Angelopolus at 781-593-2727.