SAUGUS — Tom Sheehan, 91, and a 1947 graduate of Saugus High School, has just had a new book of poetry published, “Small Victories for the Soul, VII.” The book cover features a photo of Sheehan running with a football in a 1946 game, Saugus vs. Peabody, at the former Manning Bowl. The old Lynn Item photo also shows referee Henry Hormel and Peabody athlete Hercules Hristopoulos in pursuit. Saugus won the game, 7-0.
The Wilderness House Literary Review in Littleton released the book. It is 37,000 words of poetry in 161 pages.
“Small Victories for the Soul, VII” is dedicated to the memory of John Burns, the late head of the English Department at Saugus High. Burns and Sheehan edited two sold-out books about Saugus, “A Gathering of Memories” and “Of Time and the River.”
Pocol Press in Virginia has just released a Sheehan collection of short stories, “Alone, with the Good Graces,” of which the publisher says in the release, “Displaying his usual gift of narrative, Tom Sheehan again embarks on a journey of storytelling excellence. Two dozen tales herein explore the destructive power of war, cops and robbers, fables, and family reminiscences.” The next release from that publisher will be “Jock Poems for Proper Bostonians,” a collection of poetry especially for sports fans.
Sheehan has published 37 books and has multiple works in many magazines and on internet sites.