SAUGUS — Work is now underway on Saugus’ town-wide LED street light conversion, town manager Scott Crabtree has announced.
The energy and cost-saving project is part of a grant opportunity provided through the Massachusetts Area Planning Council (MAPC), and the Department of Energy Resources’ (DOER) LED Streetlight Rapid Retrofit Program. In a statement released last week, Crabtree said Saugus’ participation in the program is part of an effort to lower energy use and costs while providing residents with better lighting and less light pollution in the community.
“We are thrilled to have been awarded this opportunity to convert our lights to more energy and cost-efficient LED bulbs,” Crabtree said. “Not only will this effort result in short-term project cost savings of $438,000, with incentives and rebates and a full return on investment in an estimated 2.31 years, but it will also continue to provide the taxpayers of Saugus with an annual estimated cost savings of $597,437.”
The LED Streetlight Rapid Retrofit Program gives eligible communities an opportunity to convert their streetlights to LED bulbs by providing towns with rebates and other incentives. To be eligible, the MAPC website states that cities and towns must already own their existing streetlamps and commit to having a streetlight audit.
Last year, Town Meeting members supported an upfront investment of $1,035,000 for the project, which will also give the town an opportunity to assess the lamps’ current condition — including wiring, connectors, and hardware — for safety and future maintenance.
Tanko Lighting has been hired to oversee the project, which includes an audit of the town’s 2,852 street lights, its new energy-efficient design, and the installation of the new LED street lights and fixtures.
According to the manager’s statement, LED lights are among the most energy-efficient and rapidly-developing lighting technologies, with bulbs that are longer-lasting and more durable than other types of light.
“I would like to thank the Board of Selectmen, Finance Committee, Town Meeting, and residents of Saugus for their continued support of important energy and cost saving initiatives such as this,” Crabtree said.