LYNN — Representatives from the organization Black Hammer gathered on the Common Tuesday afternoon to spread their anti-colonialist message.
“The white nations around the world have stolen from the working class for the last 600 years,” said Ina Osupa of Boston, the organization’s international campaign chief. “Not one year of oppression has passed that we haven’t resisted en masse.”
Black Hammer, which has chapters around the world, aims to reclaim land taken from colonized people.
Osupa said that they have also worked locally to help people of color, by passing out food and personal protective equipment to those in need. They also participate in environmental activities, such as cleaning up garbage at the Lynn Common and setting up local community gardens.
In addition, the organization has recently purchased 200 acres of land in Colorado, where they plan to build Hammer City, a community for people of color to live and work communally.
“We will exercise our power to build self-governance,” Osupa said. “Hammer City is our anti-colonial space to teach the colonized masses of the world self-determination.”
To learn more about the organization, visit