NAHANT — When there are only 11 full-time police officers in the town, having one ready to hit the ground running is certainly important.
That’s what the town of Nahant has going for it with the hiring of Ethan Abramowitz, who was sworn in May 29 as the town’s newest police officer.
“Ethan comes to us from a strong family of law enforcement experience,” said Town Administrator Antonio Barletta, “and we are very excited to be bringing him to the department.”
Abramowitz’s mother is a 26-year veteran of the Acton Police Department, and he comes to Nahant while in the midst of a six-year stint in the National Guard, for which he just re-upped. In addition, he and 22 others from the state unit were sponsored by the Massachusetts National Guard to attend the state police academy in New Braintree.
Abramowitz, 22, grew up in Acton, and graduated from Acton-Boxborough High School. From there, he went right into the Guard at 17. However, he ended up going to Salem State University as well.
His training at the academy went from last September through this past January, after which he was activated and sent to Washington, D.C. to assist in security. It was there that he assisted the Secret Service in the wake of the insurrection in the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6. When he returned, he began to look for a job in a police department.
“I sent Chief (Robert) Dwyer a resume and that was when the ball began rolling,” said Abramowitz. “I went through the interview process, and it worked out.”
“He’s pretty much good to go,” said Dwyer. “He’s a certified police field officer. And because he was already trained, this is a huge savings to the town of Nahant. We got an able-trained police officer right away.”
Abramowitz still has to go through the town’s own field training program, which he started this past Tuesday. He will have to do 56 hours of 911 training — which is state mandated — 16 hours of which he has already completed. He will pick up the other 40 next week. Nahant takes its own 911 calls, Dwyer said.
“In between that, he’ll be doing patrol shifts with senior officers,” Dwyer said. “It’s basically everything he learned in the academy, but it’s good to reinforce that training.
“He’s a good kid,” Dwyer said. “He’s young and ready to go. We did an extensive background check on him, and it was all positive. This is a good time for him to come in.”
Abramowitz was hired to fill a vacancy after an officer left to join a different department.