BOSTON — Gov. Charlie Baker issued orders Tuesday to activate 200 members of the Massachusetts National Guard to assist in COVID-19 testing in schools throughout the commonwealth starting on Monday, Oct. 18.
“We are grateful that the National Guard has stepped up once again, as they have throughout the COVID-19 response, to serve the commonwealth where needed,” said Baker. “Today’s activations will ensure that we have additional staffing support for our school-testing programs to help kids stay safe.”
More than 2,200 schools in Massachusetts have signed up for at least one of the three following types of testing: test and stay, symptomatic testing, and pooled testing, according to Baker’s office.
According to Baker’s office, results from pooled testing show the schools have less than one percent positivity rates and that the test-and-stay program, which is for close-contact cases, has saved students a combined 25,000 school days.
Guard members are currently being trained in giving COVID-19 tests and will be sent to select schools on Monday. An additional 250 guard members are being trained to assist the Massachusetts Department of Corrections in the event that there is a reduction in staffing levels.
“The Guard has a long history of supporting our communities in times of need, and have answered the call time and time again during the pandemic,” said Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito.