NAHANT ― The Lions Club announced that it will be hosting an essay contest; the winner will be the member who can best articulate what makes them a Lion.
The write-in contest winner will receive a seat at the head table of the Third District Advisory and a $200 credit toward a mid-winter package.
“What prompted us to start this contest is I want to get people’s feelings out on why they are Lions and get that out to other Lions,” said past District Governor Frank Bertolino.
Lions Club International is an organization that helps communities grow and flourish. According to Lions Club International, there are 48,000 Lions Club chapters around the world, with over 1.4 million members in total.
As for Nahant Lions, they will have the opportunity to participate in a district-wide contest by writing in 500 words or fewer about why they choose to be a Lion. The contest ends on Dec. 31, and is not open to Cabinet members, only to Lions members.
“Why only members, you ask? Because our Lions members are the backbone of our clubs,” Bertolino said in his post about the contest.
Bertolino is hoping to see what members have accomplished not only by helping their communities through the Lions, but also with what they’ve accomplished personally.
“Let’s face it ― every time you are helping someone, you are also helping yourself inside,” he added.
Bertolino graduated high school and joined the military, and said that after his time in the service he became a troubled veteran. Bertolino got involved with the local church, which opened the doors for his involvement in the Lions Club. Being a Lion has changed his life, he said, and he feels it’s important to allow this club to thrive.
In every community, organizations constantly walk the line of extinguishment, Bertolino said, but he added that he believes communities need to come together to help support organizations like the Lions.
“For Lions Club organizations in communities to survive, we need support from our community and not just financial support, but we need community members to become involved in Lions,” Bertolino said. “You don’t have to put a lot of hours in it, you don’t have to attend a lot of meetings; you can attend them all if you wish, or attend them when its convenient.”
If you are interested in joining the Lions Club, please reach out to Frank Bertolino at [email protected]. Contest submissions can be sent to the same email address.