SWAMPSCOTT — The town’s public library will be bringing its services to the Senior Center on a weekly basis, starting on Tuesday, Jan. 25.
Each week, one or two librarians will be bringing a selection of books to borrow or browse, DVDs and informational materials to the Swampscott Senior Center as a pop-up library on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Seniors will be able to register for a library card at the Senior Center as well.
“We are hoping that we’ll meet some people who have not been to the library in a while and we might just be more convenient for some who do use the library,” said Jennifer Inglis, interim director of the Swampscott Public Library.
This service collaboration with the Senior Center was initiated by a library staff member, Izzi Abrams, said Inglis. Inglis met with the Senior Center leadership and they are going forward with the idea.
During the first few weeks, the librarians will bring their favorite books and books recommended by the library patrons to suggest to the seniors, Inglis said.
“As it progresses, if people are interested in doing a book group or crafts or something like that; we will see what people are interested in and we are going to develop it from there,” said Inglis. “My philosophy is to try things and see how it works and tweak it as you need to.”
The library is going to rotate staff that will go to the Senior Center each week.
“It is part of our outreach,” said Inglis.
To complement the pop-up library services, the Senior Center will be also providing transportation to and from the Swampscott Public Library on Mondays from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m for seniors who might want to peruse the book shelves themselves. This service will cost $2 each way and pre-registration is required. To reserve a ride, anyone interested can contact the Senior Center at 781-596-8866.