To the editor:
There are many details which encourage my belated (only recent couple of years) but now-loyal support of local journalism through a subscription to The Item. None more so than the weekly Opinion column by David Shribman. He is generous in spirit, and a fine writer and thinker.
I enjoyed his Feb. 5 column, “Why Aren’t We Happy,” especially the statement that “national unity comes from the heart, not from the rostrum.”
I agree, but I think that encouragement from the rostrum to nurture the heart does seem quite appropriate.
I have long believed that education is the most effective remedy for ignorance.
I was gratified to watch a Sunday roundtable discussion with Democrat Senator Joe Manchin and Republican Lisa Murkowski advocating consensus building.
President Biden, with his long and rewarding Senate career, has undoubtedly encouraged this national unity rebuilding. No reason that legislators cannot be educators as well.
Ed Myskowski