To the editor:
I am responding to a piece that ran in Feb. 16’s Item, “Saugus continues Kowloon discussion.”
From all accounts, the Wong family has been a great business partner and neighbor to the town of Saugus. The family no longer wants to operate their restaurant at its current size (huge, by the way) and wants to build residences with a smaller restaurant on the first level.
Their request is a variance that would allow them to build six stories, rather than the standard four. Given the comments by some town officials, it sounded like the Wongs were asking to construct a brothel.
My favorite comment was by Board Vice Chair Debra Panetta, as she was “concerned about the impact that this project would have on the future character of Route 1.”
The future character of Route 1? The same Route 1 that has had concrete cows, still has a huge, green concrete cactus, and a large concrete orange dinosaur?
The only thing really missing is a permanent circus tent. Route 1 is an eclectic commercial strip. Provide the variance.
Bill Morrill