To the editor:
I have children and grandchildren that I love. I am disgusted with what I, and my generation of U.S.A. baby boomers have done to this world during our time here. Have we learned nothing? Do we not care? Are we just hedonist out for the most we each can gather, horde, and consume in this generational and our individual lifetimes?
It is disgusting behavior to me. Let me explain.
Putin is another Hitler; identical really, operating out of the same playbook. He is a genocidal mass murderer who is stepping up his “world” conquest. Are we going to appease this new Hitler until more than 25 million human lives are lost?
Are we scared that he controls nuclear weapons? Or, are we going to really care about the fate of other people? Are we now going to take intelligent, preemptive action, to stop another genocidal mass murderer; in our place and this time?
The right path forward is clear. Putin, by his willful actions, has killed innocent people. He is a murderer. Not stopped, he will kill a whole lot more. The fact that he has not killed someone you know is immaterial to a civilized society. If you are a civilized person, then you must now take action. Now is the time to act.
Both Putin’s behavior and our current response disgusts me. Without the right response … I, nor anyone else, can claim to be human. If we sit back and do not immediately cause an “uproar heard around the world” then do not consider yourself any more than a selfish animal.
The facts are clear; for his own self-interest Putin has instructed his henchmen to kill innocent people. That makes him a war criminal. The world must immediately take appropriate actions.
A new international tribunal, like the Nuremberg trials, must be set up. Appeasement does not work. Looking the other way does not work. Megalomaniacs only value and believe in one thing. Forceful and direct action is needed by us all.
The facts are clear. Innocent people have been killed by Putin. Do we have the insight, courage, and will to do what’s right; right now? If not, I’m excusing myself from this baby-boomer generation forever.
Gary Deines