To the editor:
Those who represent the major institutions of society have crossed over with their public pronouncements about our form of government.
They speak of everything else under the sun, except about the most important single article and law in the American Constitution: the one establishing the sheriff in America. The sheriff for 245 years has been the legislative branch. Today, that fact is routinely left out of the discussion.
Our leaders are either not as smart as we think, or not as good as we think. When the sheriff is no longer the people’s representatives, the new sheriff becomes whoever wants it most. And whoever wants it most always turns out to be big money.
Big money has the most to gain, the most to lose, and the most ways to advance its interests.
Big money fears and hates the people, who once had the power in our democracy. But we should remember it was ordinary people who made the nation great, not billionaires.
Kimball Shinkoskey
Woods Cross, Utah