To the editor:
I am writing to provide my unqualified endorsement for MaryEllen Fletcher for a seat on the Swampscott Select Board.
Our family has lived in Swampscott for 27 years and have always known MaryEllen to be an exceptionally caring, thoughtful and engaged member of our community.
She has been a Swampscott resident for almost 35 years and has always been willing to serve as needed to make our town a better place. She has been a member of the Finance Committee for six years, the Recreation Commission, the Harbor & Waterfront Advisory Committee, the Encore Food Assistance Program, a Girl Scout leader, and a longtime Town Meeting Member.
MaryEllen takes each of these responsibilities seriously and brings her acute intellect and sensitivity to the task at hand. An example of her thoroughness, prior to running for a seat on the Finance Committee she attended years of meetings and educated herself in the intricacies of municipal finance ― no easy thing.
MaryEllen works hard, is diligent and not afraid to ask the hard questions. She cares deeply about Swampscott and all its residents.
I can think of no one more suited in terms of knowledge, experience and temperament than MaryEllen Fletcher to serve on the Swampscott Select Board.
Neal DeChillo