To the editor:
I write to explain why we should elect Corrie Luongo to the Lynnfield School Committee. I am an older resident of Lynnfield with no children in Lynnfield schools. Why should I care?
Here is why: I am an unabashed lover of our great nation. I love its founding ideals of liberty and equality, which are unique from the formation of any other country in the history of our world.
It is simultaneously true that America is also flawed and imperfect and has in many instances fallen short of its lofty founding principles. That doesn’t mean we should teach our children to dismantle their country. Yet, I see efforts to undermine America’s foundations in many classrooms today.
I believe the defense of our Republic begins with the education of our children. Current school policies and practices favor mediocrity over excellence, and equity over equality. Iconoclasm has become the new religion.
I have been concerned about the School Committee endorsing curricula dealing with issues of philosophy and lifestyle outside the realm of basic education. (A simple internet search of Lynnfield’s curriculum “Facing History and Ourselves” and “1619 Project” shows the link they deny.)
Curricula such as these omit perspectives of “bad” figures in history. This is the opposite of education; it is censorship. Public education in America should not indoctrinate our children with politically advantageous beliefs.
It should not erase historical context (which would promote deeper understanding around horrific events), nor should it undermine parental authority, access, or responsibility.
Over the past few months, I have attended several Lynnfield School Committee meetings to learn what current members’ positions are concerning these issues. The main thing I learned was that the current committee was not forthcoming with information.
Questions I have asked in the “public comment” section of the agenda (which, until campaign season, was the very last item on the agenda) are never answered. Responses to my formal requests for public records (e.g. curriculum materials) have been inadequate.
So why Corrie? I know her to be a light providing much-needed visibility into how we educate our children. She, too, is a champion for more information (not less), parental rights, access, and liberty. She will bring increased visibility into the workings of the School Committee. She will endeavor to ensure that the Lynnfield school curriculum is free from political influences, and the history of our Republic is taught fully and accurately, warts and all.
I urge all Lynnfield voters to vote for Corrie Luongo on Tuesday, April 12. Tell your friends and neighbors. And share your support at
Cecil C. Ogren