To the editor:
Hello, my name is Ashley Braswell. I was a resident at 77-79 Chestnut St. in Lynn. I am the mother of Robert Papaluca, 3, and Arianna Papaluca, 2.
Our home caught on fire March 14. I wanted to reach out to The Item and give the fire departments and everyone on the scene a huge round of applause for acting so quick and extremely professional.
During that fire none of us were home, thank God. My children were at the Gregg House and I was working at my school job. Robert wants to be a firefighter when he grows up. He knows all about the trucks, tools, etc.
I brought him to the Western Avenue fire headquarters on the Monday following the fire and I wanted to thank the fire department member who gave Robert a tour of the fire station and showed him the trucks. He was nice enough to give Robert a hat and badge. Thank you.
Ashley Braswell