What is autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?
Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in social interactions and social communication and by restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior.
How many children have ASD?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that one in 44 children in the United States has an ASD (2021).
How common is ASD?
Autism spectrum disorder is more common in children than cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, pediatric cancer, diabetes and AIDS. Autism occurs in all races, ethnicities and social groups. It is five times more common in boys than girls.
Do we know what causes autism?
Although a specific cause of autism is not known, current research links autism to biological or neurological differences in the brain. Autism is believed to have a genetic basis, although no specific gene has been directly linked to the disorder. We do know that autism is not caused by vaccines.
How is ASD diagnosed?
According to the most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), ASD is diagnosed when a person exhibits three “persistent deficits” in social communication and social interaction, and at least two repetitive behaviors.
At what age should a child be screened for ASD?
The American Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC recommend that all children be screened for ASD at 18 months and again at 24 months. However, individuals of any age can be screened for ASD.
What are the benefits of an early diagnosis?
The earlier a child with ASD is diagnosed, the better the long-term outcome. Studies show that early diagnosis and intervention during the first years of a child’s life can significantly impact his or her long-term prognosis, particularly in the areas of language and social behavior.
Are there autism treatments that work?
Yes. In its National Standards Report, Phase 2, the National Autism Center identified 14 established treatments that produce beneficial outcomes effective for children and adolescents on the spectrum, and one for adults. You can download a free copy of the report at http://www.nationalautismcenter.org/resources/.
Starting today, The Item will run a monthly column authored by a clinician from the May Institute, a national leader in the field of applied behavior analysis that serves individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), other developmental disabilities, brain injury, neurobehavioral disorders and other special needs. The May Institute’s Adult Services Eastern Mass. division is located in Revere.
Erica Kearney, M.A., LABA, BCBA is a board-certified behavior analyst and a licensed applied behavior analyst at the May Institute.