To the editor:
We are writing this letter in full support of candidate MaryEllen Fletcher for the Swampscott Select Board.
As lifelong residents of Swampscott, we have seen this sleepy seaside community change dramatically over the years.
While Maria and I fully understand change is the only constant in life and is inevitable, the way in which it is managed and communicated needs to be addressed.
We need board members who respect the opinions of others and promote a healthy dialogue to address the needs of our town.
MaryEllen’s extensive experience on multiple boards, commissions and committees over her 34 years as a Swampscott resident gives her valuable insight regarding the financial challenges facing Swampscott.
MaryEllen has proven to be a transparent and effective communicator, which is what this town desperately needs.
There are multiple significant issues facing our community and we need an individual who possesses the intellect and professionalism to manage them in the best interest of their constituents.
Please vote for MaryEllen Fletcher for Select Board on April 26.
Paul and Maria Mignone