To the editor:
I came away bursting with pride after attending the April 14 forum for candidates running for town office.
Thanks to the good work and collaboration of the Swampscott Democratic Town Committee coordinated by its chair, Debbie Friedlander, and the Swampscott Republican Committee, coordinated by its chair Dana Swanstrom, we had a well-organized, enlightening and lively evening demonstrating that passion and commitment to issues can be part and parcel of respectful dialogue that allows for listening as well as being heard.
Kudos to the joint Democratic/Republican Committee that gathered voters’ questions ahead of time and culled and refined them to make the most efficient use of our allotted time. We covered a lot of ground.
Co-moderators Jim Peterson for the Democratic Town Committee, and Nicole Dooley for the Republican Town Committee, were attentive, fair, and able to affirm the rules in ways that were effective and respectful.
I am so proud of Swampscott, and our modeling of what it means to be a caring community — even when we disagree.
The Rev. Dr. Anita Farber-Robertson