To the editor:
Making abortion such a thorny issue has much more to do with dealing with emotional issues than with using human reason. Sex education that is age appropriate and scientifically based makes a lot of sense. That is usually what parents have always wanted. We all want what is best for our children. Healthy sexuality is the best course of instruction.
Sadly, today sexual intercourse for entertainment, but not within a committed relationship, has become more of the norm than the exception.
A best case scenario for sexual reproduction is that of a loving couple willing to commit to marriage and monogamy, which might lead to the production of a child in a loving relationship.
Abortion is always an end to the baby’s respect and dignity. This is inherently evil.
Adoption and sacrificial love and care for the innocent unborn are the best options for them.
Pregnancy Care Support Centers now provide abundant resources for those in a crisis situation. If everyone does something to assist unplanned parentage, the support for human life might be achieved; rather than the end of it. Each life ended by abortion diminishes us all.
John J. Kwiatek