NAHANT — Tudor Beach has reopened, following the results of its weekly water quality test, which indicated a lower level of bacteria in the water, making the water safe to swim in once again, said Town Administrator Antonio Barletta.
Barletta explained that the town tests the water quality of the beaches every Monday and the results take about 24 hours to come in. If a beach gets closed, the town will test it every day after that, he said.
“In the case of Tudor Beach this week, the follow up test on Tuesday cleared the beach to be open on Wednesday,” said Barletta.
According to the Commonwealth Department of Public Health’s data, water samples taken from Tudor Beach for its weekly test contained more than double the acceptable levels of enterococcus bacteria.
The Massachusetts enterococcus bacterial standard is 104 colony forming units (cfu) per 100 milliliters of water, while the sample taken had 218 cfu/100 mL.
Barletta said that the reason for the test result might be the high amount of rain that occurred Sunday night into Monday morning.
“It is somewhat common to get that type of test result after a high amount of rain,” he said.
Oksana Kotkina can be reached at [email protected].