It was a full house at the NSLBA Gala. Roughly 500 people attended the event with a waiting list of 58 people that weren’t able to attend.
In a statement made via social media, Attorney Brendan Ward commented on the event.
“So much fun at the North Shore Latino Business Association annual dinner! Unlike any other networking event out there!”, he said.
At the event guest speaker Mike Kenneally, MA Secretary of Housing and Economy, congratulated every member for being part of the NSLBA. He also encouraged those that are not members to join, noting the importance of being a part of the organization.
The North Shore Latino Business Association advocates for the small businesses at each level and educates them to obtain the resources needed to keep their business strong.
The NSLBA was pleased with the outcome and turnout of the event. The gala was completely full and sold out 2 weeks before the event.
As people walked into the the Danversport towards the Harbor Ballroom on a red runner with gold stanchions, photographer, videographers, and reporters awaited the guests’ entrance. It was an elegant and glamorous night celebrating small business contribution to local communities, state, and nationally. The event had the presences of important leaders, elected officials, important business firms, and the true diversity of the North Shore.