Mayor Jared Nicholson appeared on this week’s episode of “The American Dream,” a show hosted by Attorney James J. Carrigan, to discuss the progress Nicholson has made thus far during his term as mayor.
The show, which airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m., Fridays at 8 p.m., and Saturdays at 7 a.m. on Comcast Channel 3 and Verizon Channel 38, is “designed to give viewers a behind-the-scenes look at how public and private policy is developed,” according to Carrigan. Nicholson, who was elected mayor last year, is approaching one year in office.
The conversation between Nicholson and Carrigan ran just under 3o minutes and began with a discussion of the zoning proposal that Nicholson’s administration put forth, which passed the City Council on Tuesday evening.
“The inclusionary zoning requires that a percentage of new development be set aside as affordable for Lynn residents,” Nicholson said. “For the inclusionary zoning, the practical effect is once new developments start coming into the city from here on out there will either be a payment to the affordable housing trust fund … or those units will be affordable.”
Episodes can be found on the Lynn Community Television website after they air.