To the editor:
Gentlemen, I’ve lived in Nahant for 52 years now and have had a wonderful German shepherd named Otto, who we lost in October of 2016. My girlfriend had a beautiful bichon-maltese named Bengie who we also lost in February of 2018. Both were and are spiritually amazing dogs.
I just saw on Channel 7 news in Boston that yet another small terrier dog being walked by his owner has been killed by coyotes in Nahant. He fought them, but they killed his dog.
The town officials continue to do nothing, even though sharp shooters have eliminated one “problem coyote,” as they called it.
What do they do, interview the coyotes to see which ones are the most dangerous? Some residents say we have to coexist with these dangerous coyotes, but that means we will lose more of our canine family members, doesn’t it?
The law needs to change in Massachusetts so we can trap coyotes humanely and then transport them to distant woods. It’s not a panacea, but at least the number of coyotes would be lowered and result in a safer town for everybody.
These coyotes continue to multiply. Years ago in the Canadian National Forest, a young woman was stalked and killed by a pack of coyotes. So much for coexisting with them. This is total insanity. Common sense is out the window.
Nahant town officials, in my opinion, could be doing a lot more to help solve this dangerous problem, but they don’t want to be bothered. When a young toddler is killed, maybe they will wake up. But don’t count on it.
Richard D’Orlando