LYNN — Not many teams can come back from halftime (7-0) and third quarter (14-0) deficits. Saturday night at Manning Field, however, don’t tell that to Lynn Tech.
In the Tigers’ season opener, they defeated Malden 20-14 after explosions on both offense and defense.
After a long touchdown from Cesar Reyes – followed by a two-point conversion from Ethan Prum – Tech tied the game 14-14 with two minutes remaining.
Ten seconds later, the Tigers brought the house down. Enyel Gonzalez intercepted a pass before taking it himself for six.
Malden had its chance, but threw another interception, and that was all she wrote.
“What a game last night,” Tech coach James Runner said.
Alberto Gerardo also had a touchdown for Tech, which returns to action Saturday at Chelsea (6 p.m.).