LYNN — The Lynn Housing Authority and Neighborhood Development (LHAND) hosted its 25th annual Scholarship Golf Tournament at Gannon Municipal Golf Course on Sept. 15.
Since starting the fundraiser in 1998, the agency has awarded scholarships to more than 200 students and awards of merit to more than 75 community-active high school seniors. In this time, LHAND has raised almost $500,000 in donations. The contributions from generous donors have allowed for the advancement of students’ education.
This year’s tournament featured 90 golfers and more than 70 donors. The corporate-level sponsor was again Jimmy Connors of McGrath Enterprises. OBTEK Services was the cart sponsor, and Eastern Bank and Salem Five sponsored the dinner. The Scholarship Golf Tournament’s continuous success would not be possible without the support of community partners and LHAND staff, who donate time and money to the fundraiser.
“LHAND is proud to organize such an important cause that continues to flourish each year,” LHAND Executive Director Charles Gaeta said. “We are committed to positive change in the community and our fundraiser allows such an impact to continue. We look forward to receiving 2024 scholarship applications and are excited to be part of students’ educational endeavors.”