NAHANT — A group of elementary-school students erupted in applause behind the Johnson School this week as they watched G/J Carting Inc. owner Gennaro Angiulo use a large forklift to transport two massive boulders from a construction site to the school’s Forest Playground.
Roughly five years ago, Principal Kevin Andrews noticed that children enjoyed playing in the wooded area located on a downward slope behind the school. In an effort to transform the area into a natural playground for imaginative play, the school filled the area with wooden play stumps and added more than 100 native species of plants.
“When I came, I did notice the slope and the flat space down there and these tall trees that are just gorgeous. Kids love going out there to have what I call imaginative play, so they can make their own play. They can go into a little spot, collect some rocks or some bark, and make a house for a little pretend fairy or something — it’s pretty great,” Andrews said.
When Andrews saw two large boulders being excavated from a construction site across the street, he called Bob Donovan of Donovan Construction, who offered him the enormous rocks as natural play structures for the school.
Angiulo, whose son attends preschool at Johnson, offered to transport the boulders to the playground for free.
“He said he was happy to help, and we’re very grateful. They’re going to be here forever, they don’t wear away, and kids love to climb boulders,” Andrews said.
As Angiulo’s forklift set a boulder on the ground, the children yelled with excitement, eager to play.
“You can take sticks and put them on the rocks and make a fort,” fourth-grade student Tommy Carromero said. “They will be good to climb on.”
Fourth-grade student Madison Doucette added that she was excited to climb, sit, and read on the new boulders.
“You can climb on it and you can relax on it too,” Doucette said. “You’re not wasting any material and it’s a beautiful rock.”