LYNNFIELD — The Lynnfield Center Water District will hold its regular board meeting at Town Hall on Tuesday, Oct.17 at 7 p.m.
During the meeting, the board will address various topics including tax-levy dates, upcoming processes, meeting schedules, and the approval of accounts to be liened. There will also be updates on September billing and summer consumption.
The meeting will continue with discussions on projects like the Vallis Way permit for water mains, and requests related to Willis Woods and the Beaver Brook Dam recreational walkway.
The board will then receive updates on capital projects, featuring information from CDM Smith’s Anne Malenfant and details about the current status and bid schedules for Glen Drive and the interconnection vault.
Superintendent John Scenna will also provide an update on various matters, including Edwards Avenue service upgrades, the 2024 road program, the Station 2 pilot program, lead and copper sampling, the fall flushing program, and budget updates for fiscal year 2024.
Additionally, the district announced on its website that it is set to initiate water-main flushing, which will begin this month and extend into November. The flushing will start Monday, with maintenance on Wing Road, Main Street from Wing Road to Lowell Street, and other streets within the area.
“Residents may experience low or even no water pressure while flushing,” the LCWD announced. “They may also notice their water is discolored during or after flushing. Discoloration can be alleviated by running a high-flow cold-water faucet until water runs clear. Residents should avoid doing laundry during the flushing period and check their water first by running cold water before starting their washing machine.”
An executive session will precede the main meeting from 6:30 to 6:55 p.m.