To the editor:
My name is Ryan Fisher. I’m a lifelong Saugus resident, running for my third term on the School Committee and as a candidate for Charter Commission. My wife, Danielle, and I have a 7-year-old daughter, Ella, and a lot of cats.
Serving your town isn’t about vague or empty promises. It’s about track record and character. The last four years have proven that no one who is elected will know exactly the challenges they’ll face. Look at the pandemic. No one asked me about plagues when I ran the first time. I don’t rattle easily. I take the time and do the work. I build consensus. I’m not a showboat trying to be popular. I speak my mind.
I’m proud of the progress our school district made in the district over the last four years. We’ve funded all-day kindergarten, overseen the consolidation of school buildings, funded expanded access to bussing and improved curriculum, and protected after-school programs. Teachers and paras and support staff have incredibly challenging jobs, and they are only getting harder. I’m proud to have negotiated two contracts with each bargaining unit that help retain and value qualified educators, and those who keep our schools running every day.
We still have a long way to go. I’m concerned about safety, about discipline, and with my own daughter planning to attend the MSHS complex, I want to see high achievement and challenging standards.
I’m genuinely concerned about the Charter Commission process, elected to turn Saugus into a city with an elected mayor. The charter should be impervious to politics and not be about settling day-to-day scores. Residents rejected becoming a city, so the promise changed to electing the town manager. Towns can’t do that and experts say the state won’t approve it. In the last week, we’ve all noticed a concerted effort to disparage Town Meeting, the heart of town government.
One candidate says he’s open-minded to becoming a city, others focus heavily on “elect the leader” rhetoric, and one organized the process around a run for mayor. When people tell you what they’ll do if elected, believe them.
I was vocal in my announcement two years ago, and I’m equally vocal today, that public officials speak for the town, their words have meaning, and everyone, especially our students, are listening. I’ll continue to keep that promise, and I would appreciate your vote on Nov. 7.
Thank you,
Ryan Fisher