To the editor:
I am announcing my candidacy for re-election to the Board of Selectmen.
It’s been my privilege to serve on the Board of Selectmen, and I would be honored to serve two more years.
I am married to Mark Panetta, and have two children, Mark Jr. and Sabrina. I am a graduate of Suffolk University with a BSBA in accounting, and I also hold an MBA from Northeastern University. I earned my Lean Six Sigma and her PMP (Project Management Professional) certifications. I am also the recipient of the Distinguished Toastmaster Award. I work for Victoria Realty as a site manager/finance director. I have more than 35 years of accounting, finance, auditing, and real-estate experience. I am also a business owner.
I have served as a Saugus selectman for the past 12 years, currently as vice chairman; I served as the chairman for five years. I was secretary of the Cliftondale Revitalization Committee and served on the Master Plan Advisory Committee. I am the president of the Saugus River Watershed Council, past president and member of SAVE, and a member of the Historical Society, Saugus Business Education Collaborative, Friends of Breakheart, Women’s Guild, Conservation Law, and the Garden Club. I have been endorsed by the Sierra Club and the North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters Local 339.
Previously, I served as the chairman of the Saugus School Committee, a five-term Town Meeting member representing Precinct 5, vice chair of the Saugus Charter Commission, and as secretary of the Family Related Apartments Committee.
Community involvement is something that my family and I strongly believe in.
Since taking office, I have been involved in many initiatives, including:
- an increase in our bond rating to AA+ by S&P due to our strong economy and budget performance, saving taxpayers millions of dollars,
- rebuilding of our parks, playgrounds, and recreational facilities,
- accepted as a designated green community,
- a record amount of funds in stabilization,
- an increase in grant funding for public safety and recreation,
- supported hiring police, fire, and public-safety personnel for a safer Saugus,
- road and sidewalk improvements, and
- completion of the rail / bike trail.
I believe that Saugus can continue looking toward the future with confidence and progress. My priorities are:
- continued strong financial performance in town,
- additional progress made on building and staffing a West Side Fire Station,
- completion of the town-wide Public Safety Fiber-Optics Communication System Infrastructure upgrade,
- expansion of our parks, trails, and open spaces,
- responsible, sustainable development that balances growth with protection of our neighborhoods and local infrastructure, and
- continued public discussions regarding the offline schools.
I am honored to have served as your selectman for the past 12 years. I believe I have conducted myself with dignity, integrity, and professionalism with the office you have entrusted me with. I would like to work towards the continued progress our town has made for the betterment of residents and business owners.
Please cast one of your votes for me on Tuesday, Nov. 7. I am #1 on the ballot. Thank you.
Contact information: (781-233-9720), [email protected],
Facebook: Debra Panetta for Saugus Selectmen
Debra Panetta
1 Bellevue St., Saugus