LYNNFIELD — The Lynnfield Select Board is seeking applicants to fill vacancies in the Finance Committee and Recreation Commission after a few recent resignations and reappointments.
Alexis Leahy, a former Finance Committee member, resigned from the committee upon her recent election to the Select Board. Chris Caprio also recently resigned from the Finance Committee.
“He’s been a very engaged and effective member of the Finance Committee,” Select Board Chair Dick Dalton said of Caprio. “He’s a real loss, but on the other hand, I’m very happy for Chris. I know that his professional career is going gangbusters.”
Dalton said that anyone interested joining the Finance Committee can reach out to Asst. Town Administrator Bob Curtin, at [email protected]. The Select Board appoints five of the 11 members and right now, they are looking for two replacements.
“Finance Committee plays a critically important role in governing this town,” Dalton said. “And I would urge people to consider volunteering for this position and be aware, at least in my mind, that we’re not necessarily looking for applicants that are CPAs or MBAs. We’re seeking individuals who have the ability to comprehend the benefits and costs associated with proposals and issues that come before the Finance Committee, individuals who have the best interest of the town when casting their vote on the matter.”
The Select Board also moved to reappoint Finance Committee Members Julie Mitchell with a term that expires in 2026, and Tom Kayola with a term that expires in 2027.
Dalton added that Frank Morelli has resigned from the Recreation Commission. The Board is also seeking applications for anyone interested to be in the Commission, and that letters of interest should be sent to Curtin.
The Board also officially disbanded the Library Building Committee, with Dalton individually thanking all those who were involved. The Library Renovation Committee was then officially formed, with Director of Capital Projects John Scenna appointed as Committee Chair, at least on a pro tem basis.
Planning Board Member Katherine Flaws, Finance Committee Member Tom Kayola, Select Board Vice Chair Phil Crawford, Library Director Abby Porter, Board of Library Trustees Member Anne Malenfant, and School Committee Chair Kate DePrizio were also appointed as members. The Committee is tasked with studying renovation options, reviewing cost estimates and funding plans, advising the Select Board on the matter, with the expectation that final recommendations would be made on September 15, or around that time.
Dalton emphasized the importance of ensuring that the Committee will not have too many people.
“It’s nice to have big committees but they just don’t function as well,” Dalton said.